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Dee is, well... she's a lot of things.

Leatherworker, artist, writer, parent, hobby-self-tattooist, occultists, and a number of other titles and labels. But most of all? She hates talking about herself in the third person.


See casefile 4220-71

So, let's stop with that. I live in the Pacific Northwest with my wife, kids, cat, and a number of houseplants that are doing far better than should be normal for them. My interests and work in dark fantasy, gothic, postapocalyptic and other aesthetic genres has gone on for most of my life, and probably will continue to do so, but if you're here, most of you want to know about the leather.

I started in the early 2000's, thanks largely to a multi-month stint of unemployment, an education in theatre and technical theatre, a random hide of leather in the house, and a LOT of boredom. Most of my skill has been self-taught and won through a fair amount of time, trial, and error.

What's coming up next? Honestly, like usual, several things all at once. There's more books in the works. And other designs and pieces. But trying to keep details of that current on a static bio page is nearly impossible, so why not hit the contact page and follow me on social media instead?

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